
You searched for: "relationship trauma"

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30-Day Financial Success Plan for Avoidant Attachment Style

Understanding Avoidant Attachment Style in Finances Hey there! So, you've discovered you lean towards an avoidant attachment style with your finances. Let's break that down in a cozy, no-judgment zone. Picture yourself as the kind of person who, when it comes to money matters, might prefer to "o...

30-Day Financial Success Plan for Disorganized Attachment Style

Understanding Disorganized Attachment Style in Finances Let's explore what a disorganized financial attachment style means. It's a bit like having a love-hate relationship with your finances. You might swing between being super focused on budgeting and saving to suddenly splurging on something w...

Overworking Is Keeping You Broke. How To Break The Cycle

In a culture that often equates success with hard work, it's easy to fall into the trap of overworking. While dedication and effort are essential for achieving financial goals, constantly pushing yourself to the brink can lead to burnout and diminish your overall quality of life. Breaking the cyc...

Unveiling the Power of Money Scripts

Money scripts are the subconscious beliefs we hold about money, often inherited from our family, culture, and personal experiences. These scripts shape our financial behaviors and attitudes, influencing everything from our spending habits to our earning potential. Understanding your money scripts...

Want To Increase Your Money Luck? Rewrite Your Money Story

If you're looking to increase your money luck, rewriting your money stories is a crucial step. These deeply ingrained narratives shape your financial reality, often holding you back from achieving your full potential. By identifying and transforming negative beliefs about money into positive, emp...

Increase Your Luck: Visualize Your Progress

A famous manager named Peter Drucker once said that “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” It’s true about business, but it’s also true about life. Another way to think of this quote is that what you track grows or what you want to grow, you need to track. One way to track your progress is to...