
The Real Reason You Struggle to Get Clients Consistently

financial healing financial trauma money blocks
The Real Reason You Struggle to Get Clients Consistently

Struggling to consistently attract and retain clients? The issue might not just be what you're doing, but also what you're feeling—deep down. 

Financial trauma doesn't only affect us consciously; it also influences our subconscious behaviors and somatic responses, which in turn can dramatically impact how we handle business relationships. 

Let's delve into how these deeper elements can create barriers and explore somatic and subconscious solutions that can lead to breakthroughs.


Subconscious and Behavioral Symptoms of Financial Trauma

  1. Subconscious Hesitation: You might subconsciously hesitate or hold back in situations that require assertiveness in client negotiations or outreach due to past financial fears.
  2. Somatic Anxiety: Physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, or stomach distress during financial discussions or when pitching services can be manifestations of deeper financial anxieties.
  3. Behavioral Inconsistency: Avoiding necessary business activities like following up on leads or inconsistent communication with potential clients can stem from a subconscious fear of rejection or failure.
  4. Self-Sabotaging Actions: Subconsciously, you might find yourself undermining successful client relationships or business deals, driven by a deep-seated belief that you don't deserve success or stability.


Subconscious and Somatic Solutions to Overcome Financial Trauma

  1. Hypnotherapy: Engaging in hypnotherapy can be a powerful way to address and reprogram subconscious beliefs about money and self-worth that hinder your client acquisition efforts.
  2. Somatic Experiencing: This therapy technique focuses on the body's responses and aims to relieve and resolve the physical stress reactions that are a part of financial trauma. It helps you become more grounded and present, which is essential during client interactions.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice can help you become aware of subconscious cues and somatic responses, providing the opportunity to actively calm yourself before and during critical business activities.
  4. Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT): CBT can help change harmful subconscious thoughts and behaviors related to financial trauma by challenging negative thoughts and actively replacing them with more constructive beliefs.
  5. Consistency Routines: Develop routines that encourage consistent behavior, regardless of subconscious impulses. For example, schedule regular follow-ups or use automation tools for client communications to bypass procrastination tendencies.


Tools to Support Your Growth

Consider incorporating tools that support subconscious and somatic healing, such as the Million Dollar Journaling Kit, which includes exercises and prompts designed to engage your subconscious mind in positive ways. These resources can help solidify the new patterns you are creating, supporting a stable and healthy approach to client relationships.


Begin Your Transformation Today

Are you ready to tackle the subconscious and somatic barriers that are holding you back from business success? Click here to explore resources that can support your journey toward a more confident and prosperous professional life.


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