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Sleep & Grow Rich Self-hypnosis & Sublimial Bundle for ($97)

Our program targets one of the biggest blocks that hinder your financial success, the debilitating effects of financial anxiety. In just 33 days, you'll notice significant shifts in your emotional balance and increased mental clarity to implement your six-figure business strategy effectively.

Prepare for a full transformation in just 11 days, with noticeable changes in as little as 72 hours. From then on, the program works towards solidifying this transformation, preparing you for an elevated experience of success and wealth.



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Million Dollar Journaling Kit

Break free from the top 12 Toxic Money Trances that keep high-earning high achievers stuck in a loop of lack 

Whether you're stuck in a cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck living, overwhelmed by financial stress, or simply ready to elevate your financial game, the Million Dollar Journaling Kit is designed specifically for you. It's not just about money—it's about reshaping your entire approach to wealth and abundance.

If you're a driven professional, ambitious entrepreneur, or passionate creator, you already excel in many areas of life. But when it comes to managing finances, you might find yourself facing unique challenges:

  • Procrastination in Financial Planning: Do you often delay setting financial goals because it feels overwhelming?
  • Overspending as Stress Relief: Is retail therapy your go-to for immediate gratification, overshadowing your long-term financial vision?
  • Career-Driven Burnout: Are your professional ambitions costing you your personal well-being and financial foresight?
  • Entrepreneurial Hurdles: Do the day-to-day demands of running your venture keep you from strategic financial planning?
  • Passion Over Profit: Are you so focused on your creative pursuits that financial planning takes a back seat?

What if you could address these challenges head-on and pave the way to true financial freedom and success?

The Million Dollar Journaling Kit:

This isn’t just another financial tool. It’s a transformative experience designed specifically for high-earning, high-achieving millennials like you. Through a carefully curated journey of self-discovery and financial enlightenment, this kit will guide you to:

  1. Shift Into a New Financial Identity: Visualize and step into the role of someone who masters wealth—not just accumulates it.
  2. Break Free from Self-Sabotage: Identify and modify behaviors like procrastination and impulsive spending that undermine your financial success.
  3. Cultivate Richer Habits: Develop practices that balance your professional drive with personal and financial well-being.
  4. Embrace Strategic Entrepreneurship: Streamline your financial management and align it with your business goals for sustainable success.
  5. Balance Passion with Pragmatism: Learn to nurture your creative pursuits while building a stable financial foundation.

Who is this for?

  • Aspiring millionaires who feel stuck in their financial growth.
  • Individuals tired of outdated financial strategies that don’t seem to work.
  • Anyone looking to deeply understand their emotional relationship with money.
  • People ready to adopt a wealthy mindset and manifest financial success.

Your Current Reality:

Do you find yourself worrying about money daily? Are you disillusioned by financial advice that never pans out? Or perhaps you feel isolated in your financial journey, unsure of who to trust or where to turn next. You're not alone. Many face these challenges, trapped by financial fears and misconceptions that hinder their growth.

How the Million Dollar Journaling Kit Will Help You Shift:

The Million Dollar Journaling Kit is more than just a planner; it's a comprehensive tool that guides you through a transformative journey of financial enlightenment. Each month focuses on a crucial aspect of financial wellness:

  1. Redefine Your Financial Identity: Start seeing yourself as someone who is not just capable of achieving wealth but destined for it.
  2. Eliminate Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Uncover and resolve deep-seated habits that are keeping you from your financial goals.
  3. Heal Your Financial Past: Address the root causes of your financial fears and rebuild your money narrative.
  4. Build Resilience Against Financial Stress: Learn strategies to handle financial pressures and decisions with ease.
  5. Establish Richer Habits and Boundaries: Develop daily practices and boundaries that lead to sustainable wealth.
  6. Become a Money Magnet: Shift your mindset to attract abundance effortlessly.

Each component of the kit—from daily journal prompts and affirmations to targeted S.H.I.F.T method scripts—is meticulously crafted to ensure each step you take is meaningful and impactful.

Take Control of Your Financial Destiny: Buy the Million Dollar Journaling Kit now and transform your approach to money—one thoughtful, strategic entry at a time.

What’s Inside the Million Dollar Journaling Kit?

Each element of the kit is designed to strategically address the financial nuances and challenges specific to high-achieving millennials. Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Daily Journal Prompts: Tailored to provoke thought and inspire action, these prompts will guide you through examining and reshaping your financial behaviors and beliefs.
  • Monthly Affirmations: Reinforce your new financial identity with powerful affirmations that embed positive financial habits and attitudes deep within your subconscious.
  • S.H.I.F.T. Method Scripts: Unique self-hypnosis scripts for each monthly theme that facilitate profound psychological shifts and pave the way for true financial transformation.
  • Progress Trackers: Tools to help you monitor your advancements and reflect on your journey, ensuring that each step you take is purposeful and measurable.


Break-free From The Toxic Trance of Lack:

If you’ve ever felt that unseen barriers are holding you back financially, you might be experiencing what I call the "Toxic Trance of Lack," which breeds a deep-seated "Consciousness of Scarcity."

This state of mind not only stifles your financial growth but also permeates various aspects of your life, from your self-esteem to your ability to make prosperous decisions.

The Million Dollar Journaling Kit is designed specifically to guide you through a transformative 12-month journey, helping you break free from this pervasive toxic trance. Each month, we focus on a different facet of the trance of lack, addressing and dismantling the limiting beliefs that have kept you from achieving your financial potential.

Here's how we'll tackle each aspect of this toxic trance throughout the year:

Monthly Themes:

  1. Shift Into Your New Identity - Discover and embody a new financial identity.
  2. Sabotaging Behaviors & Attachment Style - Identify and amend behaviors that hinder your financial progress.
  3. Heal Your Past & Inner Child & Money Story - Address the root of your financial beliefs for profound healing.
  4. Identify & Release Your Fears - Confront and dispel deep-seated financial fears.
  5. Identify & Learn How To Deal With Emotional Triggers - Master emotional responses impacting your financial decisions.
  6. Financial Burnout - Richer Habits - Cultivate habits to prevent burnout and maintain financial enthusiasm.
  7. Financial Habits / Learn To Self Regulate (Vagal Tone) - Enhance your ability to remain calm and composed in financial matters.
  8. Financial Boundaries - Richer Boundaries - Establish and enforce healthy financial boundaries.
  9. Financial Motivation and Ambition - Richer Ambition - Fuel your drive towards financial success.
  10. Financial Deservability and Worthiness - Richer Worth - Build a mindset that believes in your worthiness of wealth.
  11. Money Magnetism - Richer Reality - Become a magnet for money and opportunities.
  12. Financial Confidence and Skills - Richer Attitude - Develop the skills and confidence needed for financial prowess.

This comprehensive process is not just about changing how you handle money—it’s about transforming your entire approach to life and prosperity. The tools and exercises included in the Million Dollar Journaling Kit are designed to provide continuous support and guidance as you work to dismantle the toxic trance of lack and replace it with a powerful consciousness of abundance and success.


Transform Your Financial Life with the Million Dollar Journaling Kit

Who Is This For?

If you're a high-earning, high-achieving millennial who struggles with financial planning, experiences stress from financial decision-making, or feels stuck in your financial growth despite your success, this kit is crafted just for you. It's designed to help you overcome financial overwhelm, rewrite your money story, and achieve the wealth you deserve.

Why You Need This:

Your current financial challenges—procrastination, overspending, self-doubt, career burnout, and more—are more common than you think. These issues can hinder even the most successful individuals from reaching their financial potential. The Million Dollar Journaling Kit addresses these challenges head-on, with a month-by-month guide to reshaping your financial future.

Here’s What You’ll Get Each Month:

Month 1 - Shift Into Your New Identity: Start the year by defining the prosperous person you aspire to be. Set the foundation for a transformative year with powerful visualizations and identity-affirming exercises.


Month 2 - Sabotaging Behaviors & Attachment Style: Uncover and amend deep-seated financial behaviors and attachment styles that sabotage your wealth.


Month 3 - Heal Your Past & Inner Child & Money Story: Address early financial wounds and rewrite your personal money narrative to one of abundance and success.


Month 4 - Identify & Release Your Fears: Tackle financial fears head-on, releasing them through targeted self-hypnosis scripts and journaling.


Month 5 - Identify & Learn How To Deal With Emotional Triggers: Master your emotional responses to financial situations to maintain clarity and focus under pressure.


Month 6 - Financial Burnout - Richer Habits: Introduce and solidify financial habits that prevent burnout and foster long-term financial health.


Month 7 - Learn To Self Regulate (Vagal Tone): Enhance decision-making and calmness in financial dealings by improving your physiological responses to stress.


Month 8 - Financial Boundaries: Firmly establish and assert your financial boundaries, ensuring you protect and respect your economic space.


Month 9 - Financial Motivation and Ambition: Reignite your drive for financial success with goal-setting and motivational affirmations.


Month 10 - Financial Deservability and Worthiness Boost your self-esteem around money, affirming your worthiness of wealth and prosperity.


Month 11 - Money Magnetism - Richer Reality: Shift your mindset to attract and retain wealth effortlessly.


Month 12 - Financial Confidence and Skills: Consolidate your financial acumen, rounding out the year with enhanced confidence and skills.


A study by psychologists Laura King and Joshua Smyth found that writing about achieving future goals and best possible selves can lead to increased feelings of well-being and an improved mood.


Unlock the power of your subconscious with the Million Dollar Journaling Kit's unique Hypnotic Journaling method, a pioneering approach that transcends traditional journaling and shadow work. This method is specifically designed for high-achieving individuals who are ready to dive deep into their financial psyche and achieve transformative results. Here’s why the Hypnotic Journaling method stands out and how it can significantly enhance your financial transformation:

Beyond Surface-Level Reflection:

Traditional journaling helps you articulate thoughts and emotions, providing a reflective space for self-discovery. However, the Million Dollar Journaling Kit's Hypnotic Journaling method goes further by engaging the subconscious mind directly. This deeper engagement facilitates profound changes not just in how you think about money, but in how you feel and act towards it.

Targeted Subconscious Reprogramming:

While shadow work focuses on uncovering and understanding hidden aspects of your psyche, Hypnotic Journaling integrates these insights with active reprogramming. It utilizes carefully crafted affirmations and self-hypnosis scripts that target specific financial beliefs and behaviors, ensuring that each journaling session not only explores deep-seated issues but also embeds new, healthier financial habits and mindsets.

Structured Financial Transformation:

Each month of the kit is tailored to address a different aspect of your financial identity, from dismantling fears and rewriting your money story to enhancing your wealth attraction capabilities. This structured approach ensures that every aspect of your financial life is optimized, unlike traditional journaling or shadow work, which can sometimes lack focus or direction.

Financial Empowerment:

With the Million Dollar Journaling Kit, you gain more than just insight—you develop skills. The method teaches you how to self-regulate your emotional and psychological state, enhance your vagal tone for better stress management, and maintain a high level of motivation and ambition. You become your own best financial psychologist, equipped with the tools to maintain your financial well-being independently.

Why Choose Hypnotic Journaling?

If you're serious about transforming your financial reality, the Hypnotic Journaling method offers a comprehensive, scientifically-informed, and tested approach that produces real, lasting changes. It's not just about understanding your financial behaviors but fundamentally transforming them at the subconscious level, where true change occurs.

Why You Should Buy It Today:

Investing in the Million Dollar Journaling Kit today means taking the first step towards a liberated financial future. Why wait to turn the page on old habits and fears when you can start today? Each day you delay is a missed opportunity for growth and success.

There's no better time than today to start rewriting your financial story. Every moment delayed is an opportunity missed. With the Million Dollar Journaling Kit, you begin a daily practice that not only enhances your financial intelligence but also aligns perfectly with your ambitious lifestyle.



Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious with Exclusive Audios!

Transformative bonus audios - a perfect complement to your Million Dollar Journaling Kit. These powerful audio tools are specifically designed to enhance your financial mindset both day and night, ensuring you're constantly aligned with the energy of abundance and success.

Sleep Subliminal: "I Am A Lucky Money Magnet"

Imagine going to sleep every night and waking up feeling refreshed, recentered, and more financially magnetic. That's exactly what you'll experience with our "I Am A Lucky Money Magnet" Sleep Subliminal.


  • Deep Sleep Support: Integrating soothing pink noise, known for its calming effects, this 8-hour audio assists in promoting a deep, restorative sleep.
  • Subconscious Reprogramming: While you rest, subtle affirmations will work on your subconscious, reinforcing your identity as a magnet for luck and money.
  • Stress Release: The gentle, reassuring background allows you to release the day's tensions, recenter your spirit, and relax into a peaceful night's sleep.

Morning Meditation Activation: "Cleansing Waters of Motivation"

Kickstart your day with our "Cleansing Waters of Motivation" morning meditation. This audio is a daily ritual that connects the cleansing power of water with the renewal of motivation and purpose, perfect for setting a positive tone for your financial decisions throughout the day.


  • Energizing and Purifying: Inspired by the revitalizing properties of water, this meditation washes away any lingering doubts or fatigue, invigorating your spirit.
  • Daily Motivation Boost: Start your day focused and clear-headed, ready to tackle your financial goals with renewed vigor and clarity.
  • Purpose Alignment: Each session realigns you with your long-term financial aspirations, ensuring that every day begins with purpose-driven actions.

Why You Need These Audios:

All-Day Alignment: With our dual-audio setup, you're covered 24/7. The nighttime subliminal aligns your subconscious with prosperity while you sleep, and the morning meditation refreshes your determination and focus for the day ahead.

Why Buy Now?

Your financial transformation shouldn't just be a daytime activity. With these bonus audios, you enhance your journey to financial abundance around the clock. Purchase today to take full advantage of these tools and ensure that every moment is an opportunity for growth and success.