12 Step To Go From Anxious To Alchemist | Reset Your Nervous System Challenge Day 3

Welcome to the Reset Your Nervous System Challenge. You'll learn how to go from anxious to alchemist in 12 steps using self-hypnosis.
In this video, I cover: STEP 3: LINK THEM TO YOUR BELIEFS
What do you have to believe to make you feel this way? Use the exercise located in the Embodied Success guide here
Day three of Reset Your Nervous System Challenge. In the next 12 days, you will learn how to go from anxious to Alchemist. Yesterday you identified your emotional triggers. Today you're going to identify the beliefs that are linked to those triggers. I used to think that I would be stuck with my triggers for life that we were locked in, but you actually can release your triggers.
You don't have to spend the rest of your life knock yourself upside the head, or dunking your face into a bowl of ice. You can have true freedom from your triggers. When you identify the beliefs that cause your nervous system. To actually get triggered, you get one step closer to true mental and emotional freedom. And this technique that's outlined in the guide strengthens the connection between your prefrontal cortex and your autonomic nervous system. So this creates a balance between your brain and body so that you can focus on growing your business and excelling your career.
Use the guide to tackle the beliefs and if you are in Better You in 52 You're going to listen to the subconscious reset self hypnosis audio followed by the overnight subliminal to clear any residual emotional charges. And I will see you tomorrow.