The Truth About Founder's Depression

According to research, entrepreneurs are 30% more likely to experience depression than their non-entrepreneurial counterparts.
The truth is that most founder’s experience depression because they are running businesses that don’t align with their personality or human design.
I’ve had clients book sessions with me because they were on the verge of shuttering their startups.
They feel as if they failed as entrepreneurs and now they don’t know how to move forward.
The truth is we all can be entrepreneurs, but we need to run businesses and startups that match our thinking styles, energetic patterns, and specific human needs.
In this training, I cover how to heal from founder’s depression using a 3-prong approach.
STEP 1: You must first learn and discover what YOU need as a human being.
STEP 2: When you do this you’ll be able to identify the best business model for you.
STEP 3: Then you’ll identify your strengths and weakness so that you can hire and partner with people who fill in the gaps.
This approach, not only aids in healing a depressive episode but also prevents any more in the future.
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