
How to Subconsciously Charge Your Goals

goal setting
How to Subconsciously Charge Your Goals

You learned about the power of intention in part 3 of the guide, now it’s time to learn how to subconsciously supercharge your goals with your emotions. Emotion is a powerful catalyst for achieving your goals faster. How you feel about your goals will determine everything, so it’s essential that you set goals that truly excite you, that motivate you, and that elevate your life.


When you've found your "Big Why" for each of your goals, those goals are given more power, which allows you to achieve them more easily. Drilling down on your bigger goals to find the "Big Why" enables you to see whether they are significant to you, or if they are merely being used to help you avoid something you don’t want to deal with.


Once you’ve decided what you really want, you’ll start to create highly charged goals. You’ll combine several of your goals that are closely related into a single, new condensed goal. The new condensed goal will contain a powerful motivating factor (PMF). A PMF goal merely is one that greatly excites you and that you very strongly want to achieve.


Along with creating a PMF, you'll learn how to create a goal anchor (GA) that will bring higher emotional energy to your goals. This will result in establishing highly charged goals. Highly-charged goals are unstoppable and can begin a chain of events that will help you reach your goals. It is critical to emotionalize your goals with high energy to achieve them faster and more efficiently.


PMF Goalsetting 

PMFs and the "Big Why" are very similar in that they are both about uncovering and using strong emotions as catalysts for achieving your goals. The difference between the two is that while you are drilling down your goals to discover your "Big Why," you are creating PMFs to empower the goals you set.


This step in setting your goals requires you to combine your list of goals that you created during your brainstorming sessions, so you can group goals that are similar together or goals that can help support each other. It is essential that while you're arranging these goals, you make sure that at least one of them is extremely important to you and that it contains a lot of desire or emotional charge. This becomes your PMF.


For example, you might have a goal that is the deep desire to travel more. This would be your PMF. Another one of your goals might be to have more free time, and another one is to earn more money, in your business. These can all be grouped together into one concise, more powerful condensed goal.


Separate Goals

  • Travel more (PMF)
  • Have more free time
  • Make more money
  • Build a business you love


I will build a business that I love, that will pay me more than [x amount] each month, and that will give me more free time so that I can travel as much as I want.


The separate goals that are similar have been condensed into a single goal, with a PMF. The PMF is the sincere desire to travel more, which has been linked to the other three goals.


When a PMF is present in each of your goals, they become more powerful and far more energized. They become highly charged goals that can invoke feelings of excitement. Goals that truly excite you and that motivate you into action are what you are looking to develop.


You may be starting to realize that some parts of your condensed goals are dependent on other parts of the target being achieved first. This isn't something that you need to worry about because you can modify and reorder your goals at a later time if you feel they are not being optimized correctly for your current priorities.


It is also possible that over time your priorities might change and you could no longer feel strongly about certain parts of your condensed goals. That’s alright too. If this happens, you can adjust your direction and modify your condensed goals to meet your needs.


However, when changing your condensed goals, you need to be deeply honest with yourself and ask yourself if you really want to change direction, or are you changing your goals because you are starting to doubt your ability to achieve them? If you wish to change your goals because you doubt you'll be able to achieve them, you are allowing self-limiting beliefs to derail your goals. 


Later in this guide, you’ll learn how to counteract these limiting beliefs using mind programming methods. It is never a good idea to change your goals frequently because it could slow down your progress greatly.


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Dealing With Internal & External Obstacles

You may find that condensing some of your goals is difficult, particularly if they are short-term goals that you are hoping to achieve within the next few months. It is possible to condense short-term goals by considering all the benefits you will experience when you achieve them.


One of your short-term goals might be to improve the relationship with your mother, as it has turned sour, then the benefits of achieving this goal are numerous. By healing the relationship, you and your mother will be happier, and you will be able to once again share your lives with one another. Your children will get to spend more time with their grandmother. You may even be able to spend the holidays together again and support each other like before.


All of these benefits from achieving your short-term goal are actually goals as well, and could contain a PMF like this:


  • Fix your relationship with your mother (PMF)
  • Be more trusting – benefit
  • More family fun – benefit
  • Spend the holidays together – benefit


You can write your condensed goal like this:

By the end of the year, I will have taken steps to improve my relationship with my mother, so that we can regain our trust in each other, and so my children can spend time with their grandmother and can spend holidays together again.


Even with your short-term goals, you can create condensed goals with a PMF by looking at all the benefits you will gain when you achieve the goals. Condensing your short-term goals will help to greatly energize them, resulting in you being able to reach them quickly.


Setting Emotional Anchors

Gratitude is an extremely powerful tool when it comes to achieving your goals. When you tap into the power of gratitude, you start to feel differently and can see solutions to your problems that may not have been obvious to you before.


As your dominant thoughts and emotions begin to shift, your environment will start to reflect those changes in the form of opportunities and synchronicities that allow you to transform your situation completely.


The best way to do this is to remember the feeling of gratitude every 30 minutes. An easier way to tap into your powerful positive emotions whenever you want is to use the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) method known as anchoring.


The anchoring technique is based on the experiment performed by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. The simple test used the dogs in his lab to study conditioning. Whenever Pavlov feed the dogs, he signaled the arrival of the food by ringing a bell. He soon noticed that the dogs automatically started to salivate when the bell rang, even if no food was delivered to them. The ringing of the bell became the anchor that triggered the dogs to become excited and begin to salivate at the prospect of eating.


Create Your Goal Anchor

Just like Pavlov’s dogs, you can create your own anchor that will allow you to have any feeling you want at any time with a specific touch, word, or gesture to trigger the anchor. Creating a goal anchor will help you to speed up achieving your goals. By using a simple tool every day, you will be able to emotionalize and empower every goal you set.


Step 1:

The first step in creating your goal anchor is to think back to times in your past when you experienced deep gratitude or felt truly happy, or when anything seemed possible. Write down as many of these experiences that you can recall, using just a few words to describe them.


Step 2: 

Choose the top three experiences that contain the most positive emotional energy. 


Step 3:

Bring these three experiences to mind and fully engage with each of the memories. Try to remember what you heard, saw, smelt, and the feelings you experienced. Try and relive it as vividly as you can.


Step 4: 

Choose the one experience that contains the most substantial amount of happiness, gratitude, and positive emotions, crossing the other two off your list. 


Step 5:

Take a few minutes to focus on the one experience you chose and once again recall it in even more detail. Fully engage with the memory, allowing the feelings of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment to build within you.


Step 6:

You should now be overflowing with positive emotions, and it is now that you want to set your anchor. To set your anchor, touch the first finger and your thumb together and squeeze them gently together. 


Moving forward, when you want to trigger your goal anchor you simply have to squeeze your first finger and thumb together to bring up the same powerful feelings.


Read part 5 of the guide here >>>


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