
How To Stop Ruining Your Own Luck

financial trauma
How To Stop Ruining Your Own Luck

Where you were born, how you look, and who raised you plays an important factor in whether you will end up successful or not, but only because your situation may have hidden the truth from you. The truth is that you have power over your own life, and you are often the only thing standing in the way of your success. 



 Most people don’t know what they are doing, but some people are out there doing things imperfectly and getting them done because they do not suffer from self-doubt. Instead of saying “why me,” they say, “why not me” or “if not me, who?” and they decide it should be them because they’re not doubting their passion to get it done. 


Inadequate Education 

You can fix many problems in life by simply educating yourself about it. If you can’t figure out something, it is likely because you haven’t done enough research on the issue. After you research the info, practice solving the problem.


No Experience 

It’s okay not to have experience in something and still do it. But the lack of experience may strike fear into your mind and make you feel stuck. But remember that everyone has a first time for everything they do. It’s okay to be new at something and build experience over time. 


Focusing on the Past 

Many people who have trouble finding success tend to be focused on the past. If you dwell on past transgressions or issues instead of living in the here and now, practice letting the past go to move forward.


Lacking Direction 

If you don’t know who you are down to your core, your morals, principles, and values, it can be hard to make decisions that make sense or that work for you. Take the time to dig deep into your mind and heart to discover who you really are. Try writing a vision or mission statement for your life. 


Poor Standards 

One problem with people who can’t find success is they often are or claim to be perfectionists. Setting standards ridiculously high so that no one can possibly achieve them is a huge roadblock that doesn’t need to exist. 


Many people self-sabotage without realizing it. The best way to avoid this is to learn how you tend to self-sabotage. When you recognize the signs, make changes that help you stay on the path to success. 




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