
How To Activate Your Lucky Mindset

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How To Activate Your Lucky Mindset

Being proactive means that you prepare to take action, before you need to. While being reactive means you wait until a problem or crisis arises, before you start thinking about how you can fix things. 


Become More Future-Oriented 

You cannot change the past. You can learn from it, but when it comes to taking action, the action is happening now or is planned for a later time. You can’t go back in time and act, after the fact, so there is no point in spending too much time on it. 


Take Personal Responsibility for Your Actions 

When you take responsibility for your actions, you will also be more likely to take responsibility for your lack of action. People who experience success act. They don’t waffle around and make excuses for themselves. They get things done. 


Understand Your Big Hairy Goals in Life 

You need to see the big picture of what you’re trying to accomplish overall. It may help to write your obituary so you can know what you want in the future. Then you can plan your life around those big goals making small actions that help you get to the bigger goals. If something takes you away from the big goal, you won’t do it. 


Focus on What You Control 

It will help you practice understanding what is under your control and what is not. You only have control over the things you do and can’t take responsibility or do anything about what others are responsible for. 


Consider All Realistic Scenarios 

As you make plans, it’s important to get a 360-degree view of every problem so that you can map out various solutions based on possibilities. When you have contingencies, it’s easier to think on the fly and make better decisions. 


Prioritize and Schedule Your Actions

 Once you develop a set of steps to get you closer to your goals and idea of success, put the actions in order that makes sense and avoids bottlenecks. Once you’ve set up the actions, you need to do to see results, put them in your schedule in a realistic way. Don’t assume you’ll remember. Instead, get them written down and set reminders. 


The facts are in, and studies show that being proactive is a sure sign that you can experience entrepreneurial and other successes in life. 


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