How To Hold Space For Black + Brown Clients

What has transpired this past weekend is something that your Black & Brown clients are aware of every day.
Racism doesn’t always end in murder.
For your clients, it could end with an email thanking them for coming in but they went with another candidate...again.
It could end with them not being able to lose weight due to elevated cortisol levels from micro-aggressions in their workplace.
It could end with them backing out of their travel plans because they’re afraid of how they’ll be treated in another country.
I can't take on every client so I thought it might help to provide insight & offer tools to help you better communicate & address the emotional needs of your clients.
In this 2-hour training I will cover how:
*The Black Experience is not the same for everyone
*Micro-aggressions & need to preserve order is worse than blatant racism
*Cultural appropriation in the spiritual community
*Language & Important Terms
*How to communicate & address blocks that are due to racial trauma
*Checking yourself for unconscious bias
*Create an emotionally safe community for all your members to thrive
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