7-PT GUIDE: How to Shift Your Present & Create Your Desired Reality

In this 7-part guide, you’ll learn how to shift your present & create your desired reality.
In part 1 you’ll learn how to discover and decide what you really want in life.
A lot of people around the world are living their lives with no clue as to what they want. If you are one of those people, don’t worry you’re not alone. Millions of people are wandering through life with no clear direction of where they want to go. If you are tired of merely reacting to your circumstances and are ready to start truly living.
Here are six tips for finding out precisely what you want from your life.
1. Start Putting Yourself First
If you are continually sacrificing your time and dreams for others, you will never be able to figure out what you want. You have to put yourself first. To begin finding out what you want, ask yourself what you would be doing right now if you weren't tied down to your friends, family, job, and everything else.
2. Choose Risks Over Regrets
You should never feel sorry for being selfish. It's time for you to start living exactly how you want to live. You will never be able to move forward with your life if you continue to hold on to regret things you didn't do in the past. Live in the present.
Get your shift together with this FREE GYST guide
3. Decide What You Need
Sit down and figure out what you need most to live a happy and fulfilling life. Make a list of your priorities. You can also start to think about what kind of legacy you want to leave behind.
4. Figure Out What You Need To Let Go
The only way you will be able to soar is by pushing back against those things that you don’t want. Take some time to figure out what upsets you and be specific with your reasons.
5. Figure Out What Makes You Happy
When you're happy with your life, it can't be wasted. Your happiness is the root of your desire. Take some time to think about what truly makes you happy. When you pinpoint the one thing that truly makes you happy, you’ll have a clear idea of what you should aim for in life.
6. Stay Positive & Aligned
You will inevitably hit snags along your journey to reaching your goals, making it difficult to stay motivated and focused. It is important to stay positive and know that with determination and hard work you will achieve your goals.
Read Part 2 here >>
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