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 (If you're a Richer You In 52 member you'll receive access to this set on February 4, 2024)


"Richer Relationship" Audio Bundle: Transform Your Financial Attachment Style and Cultivate a Prosperous Life

Are you a high earner still struggling to find peace and purpose in your financial life? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of earning and spending, unable to create the wealth and freedom you truly desire? The "Richer Relationship" audio bundle is your key to unlocking a healthier, more fulfilling relationship with money.

Crafted by experts in the fields of hypnotherapy and financial psychology, this groundbreaking series is designed to guide you through a transformative journey, reshaping your subconscious beliefs about money, and aligning your financial behaviors with your deepest values and goals.

What's Inside the "Richer Relationship" Bundle?

  • Audio 1: Discovering Your Financial Blueprint – Uncover the subconscious beliefs that have been dictating your financial life, and prepare to rewrite your money story.
  • Audio 2: Creating a New Financial Story – Replace limiting beliefs with empowering narratives that open the door to abundance and success.
  • Audio 3: Embracing Abundance – Shift your focus from scarcity to abundance, cultivating a mindset that attracts wealth and prosperity.
  • Audio 4: Acting with Financial Integrity – Align your daily actions with your financial goals, taking proactive steps towards a richer life.

Why Choose the "Richer Relationship" Bundle?

  • Deep Subconscious Transformation: Go beyond surface-level advice and effect lasting change where it matters most – in your subconscious mind.
  • Expertly Crafted Sessions: Benefit from the combined wisdom of leading hypnotherapists and financial psychologists, distilled into powerful self-hypnosis audios.
  • Comprehensive Approach: Address every aspect of your financial life, from uncovering deep-seated beliefs to changing daily behaviors.
  • Convenient and Accessible: Transform your relationship with money from the comfort of your home, on your own schedule.

Who Is This For?

"Richer Relationship" is designed for high earners who are ready to:

  • Break free from unfulfilling financial cycles.
  • Cultivate a healthier, more productive relationship with money.
  • Achieve their financial goals with clarity and confidence.
  • Experience true abundance and freedom in their financial lives.

Special Launch Offer

For a limited time, embark on your journey to financial transformation at a special introductory price. Plus, gain access to exclusive workbook exercises and join a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Don't let outdated beliefs and patterns hold you back from the wealth and freedom you deserve. With the "Richer Relationship" audio bundle, step into a new era of financial health and prosperity.

Take Control of Your Financial Destiny Today

Embark on your transformative journey now and discover the richer relationship with money you've always known was possible. Your path to financial freedom and fulfillment starts here.



Many view self-hypnosis as a lack of control or awareness, but it’s actually the opposite. Hypnosis involves a high degree of concentration.


It’s similar to a meditative state, but with a different purpose. Meditation is about emptying the mind. Self-hypnosis is about putting new thoughts and ideas into the mind.


Self-hypnosis is a more surgical tool for dealing with the challenges in your life. Whether you want to increase your confidence, lose weight, quit smoking, or get over your fear of heights, self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool.



The Supercharged Self Hypnosis process is safe and highly effective and is reinforced by tailored practical self-hypnosis exercises you can do at home in order to increase the effectiveness of your results exponentially.

The benefits of self-hypnosis sessions include:


  1. greater levels of inner peace 
  2. reduction in stress, worry, and anxiety
  3. a deeper sense of ease and flow in your life
  4. increases self-confidence and self-worth
  5. improved performance (professional, communication, sales, sports, etc.)
  6. increased memory, concentration, and focus
  7. greater physical, mental, and emotional health
  8. healing of addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, etc.)
  9. achieving and maintaining your ideal weight
  10. achieving career success and releasing self-sabotage and procrastination
  11. attracting greater levels of abundance and wealth
  12. clearing and releasing the influence of past traumas, PTSD, etc.
  13. releasing fears and limiting beliefs of all kinds
  14.  access to spiritual guidance and wisdom and your higher self


“Hypnosis is a well-studied and legitimate form of adjunct treatment for conditions ranging from obesity and pain after surgery to anxiety and stress.” -Irving Kirsch (Harvard Medical School)



Special Launch Offer

For a limited time, we're offering this transformative bundle at a special introductory price. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your journey to self-discovery and empowerment.




Get the  Self-Hypnosis System and you’ll receive:


A total of 6 audios.


3 self-hypnosis audios to create shifts & rewire the 5 layers of your mind.


1 daytime subliminal audio that you’ll listen to for an hour during the day to keep you in an aligned state.


1 nighttime subliminal audio that you’ll listen to overnight to rewire your brain for success while you sleep.


1 morning reset meditation that will help you align with the frequency of success as soon as you wake up.


This work is simple but powerful.


It’s Time To Tap In.


Click the button to purchase and see your reality shift in just 24 hours & your soul transform in just 11 days.



What People Are Saying:

Literally did the hypnosis this morning and just like that 3 sales within an hour.

Falyn S.

Made $87,000 in 6 months with my side-hustle but didn’t burnout thanks to your audios.

Kat R.

Hypnosis is soooo powerful y’all. It’s like a fast pass to reaching your spiritual, mental, and physical goals all together.
